Foundation – Year 2 Visual Art: Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design, including considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists(ACAVAM106 ) 

Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107) 

Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience(ACAVAM108 ) 

Respond to visual artworks and consider where and why people make visual artworks, starting with visual artworks from Australia, including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR109) 


Year 3-4 Visual Arts: Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times, including artwork by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to use as inspiration for their own representations (ACAVAM110) 

Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111) 

Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas (ACAVAM112 ) 

Identify intended purposes and meanings of artworks using visual arts terminology to compare artworks, starting with visual artworks in Australia including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR113) 


Year 5-6 Visual Arts: Explore ideas and practices used by artists, including practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to represent different views, beliefs and opinions (ACAVAM114)  

Develop and apply techniques and processes when making their artworks (ACAVAM115)  

Plan the display of artworks to enhance their meaning for an audience(ACAVAM116) 

Explain how visual arts conventions communicate meaning by comparing artworks from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks (ACAVAR117) 


Year 7-8 Visual Arts: Experiment with visual arts conventions and techniques, including exploration of techniques used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to represent a theme, concept or idea in their artwork(ACAVAM118) 

Develop ways to enhance their intentions as artists through exploration of how artists use materials, techniques, technologies and processes (ACAVAM119) 

Develop planning skills for art-making by exploring techniques and processes used by different artists(ACAVAM120) 

Practise techniques and processes to enhance representation of ideas in their art-making (ACAVAM121) 

Present artwork demonstrating consideration of how the artwork is displayed to enhance the artist’s intention to an audience(ACAVAM122) 

Analyse how artists use visual conventions in artworks (ACAVAR123) 

Identify and connect specific features and purposes of visual artworks from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints and enrich their art-making, starting with Australian artworks including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR124) 


Year 9-10 Visual Arts: 

Conceptualise and develop representations of themes, concepts or subject matter to experiment with their developing personal style, reflecting on the styles of artists, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists(ACAVAM125) 

Manipulate materials, techniques, technologies and processes to develop and represent their own artistic intentions (ACAVAM126 

Develop and refine techniques and processes to represent ideas and subject matter (ACAVAM127) 

Plan and design artworks that represent artistic intention (ACAVAM128) 

Present ideas for displaying artworks and evaluate displays of artworks (ACAVAM129) 

Evaluate how representations communicate artistic intentions in artworks they make and view to inform their future art making (ACAVAR130 

Analyse a range of visual artworks from contemporary and past times to explore differing viewpoints and enrich their visual art-making, starting with Australian artworks, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and consider international artworks (ACAVAR131 


Year 1 Mathematics: Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022) 

Year 2 Mathematics: Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies (ACMMG042)  

Year 2 Literature: Discuss how depictions of characters in print, sound and images reflect the contexts in which they were created (ACELT1587 ) 

Year 4 Literature: Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers’ interest by using various techniques, for example character development and plot tension (ACELT1605 ) 

Year 7 English: Compare the ways that language and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts(ACELT1621 ) 

Year 10 English: Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)