Hamilton Gallery

Arthur Streeton

Landscape Sketch (girl on the path)
35.3 x 19.8 cm Framed: 35.3 x 19.8 cm pencil and watercolour on paper

Arthur Streeton

Amiens From Coisy
32.8 x 48.2 cm watercolour

R.W. Sturgess

Trees By A Pool - Daylesford Road
17.8 x 24.7cm watercolour

R.W. Sturgess

On the way to Daylesford
17.9 x 24.8cm watercolour

R.W. Sturgess

Golden Haze
14.5 x 22.3 cm watercolour

R.W. Sturgess

Evening, Williamstown
10.3 x 20.6cm watercolour

Reginald Ward Sturgess

Summer Landscape
29.4 x 36.9cm watercolour on paper


Pastille burner cottage

Pietro Tacca

The Fountains of the Marine Monsters (replica)
75 x 66 x 52cm bronze and marble

T.H. Taylor

Car Rally
17.2 x 22.9 cm watercolour